Yellow Ribbon Events

By John Mizerak –
Several times a year in venues all across the country the United States Air Force Reserve hosts their “Yellow Ribbon” events designed to provide members and families with essential resources prior to departure (pre-deployment), a level of stability and support while deployed (during deployment), and successful re-integration techniques after the deployment cycle ends (post deployment).
Yellow Ribbon began in 2008 following a congressional mandate for the Department of Defense to assist reservists and National Guard members in maintaining resiliency as they transition between their military and civilian roles. Each year, the Air Force Reserve program trains 7,000 reservists and family members in education benefits, health care, retirement information and more.
Over the last few years speakers from the Mighty Oaks Foundation have been blessed to be invited by Yellow Ribbon to encourage and equip hundreds of Airmen and their families.  It has been an honor to speak on issues related to the military and military family life while working to build a strong foundation of resiliency.  While we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the men and women who attend our Legacy sessions, resiliency training like that done through the Yellow Ribbon Program affords us the opportunity to address many of the struggles encountered by those who serve before those struggles get out of control. This also give allows us to connect with those that may need the help offered by Mighty Oaks at some point down the road.
We applaud the Air Force Reserve for their effort to take care of Air Force families and are grateful that they allow us to have even a small part.

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