What Are You Leaving Behind?

What Are You Leaving Behind?

This is a question that I believe should be on our minds every day. When we live with this question constantly on our minds, our daily decisions become much easier. When I realize that someday I will be gone but that I get to decide what I leave behind, I see my time as an investment instead of something that I spend.

This thinking has caused me to look differently even at the things that I learn. I do not believe that we should ever stop learning and that, until we do die, there is always room for growth and improvement. As I have gotten older though, I no longer view those lessons learned and opportunities to grow as only for me. I learn today so that I can leave something of value behind tomorrow.  If I can learn and then translate those lessons in a way that can be easily understood by those coming up behind me then, even when I am gone, I am showing them the way forward in their lives.

For me, this means writing and speaking and recording videos while working to contribute to the cultural conversation in a way that attempts clarifies so much of the clutter. For you it may be something different but we all need to answer the question: “What am I leaving behind?”

Change Your Legacy

Change your legacy today by applying for one of our Legacy Programs here at Mighty Oaks. Thanks to our supporters we’re able to offer our programs at no-cost to our Nation’s Warriors, this includes travel as well!

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