We Were Featured on the Biblical Counseling Coalition Podcast!

This week we were the topic of discussion over at the Biblical Counseling Coalition podcast. Here’s the episode description:

“Don Roy is a retired Navy Captain and biblical counselor who helps coordinate the ministry of Fallen Soldiers March. He joins us today to discuss their focus on connecting our nation’s warriors to biblical counselors who can offer lasting hope and change through counsel from God’s Word. Don highlights their recent surge in requests for counsel, largely due to their new partnership with the Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs. He also shares how veteran owned and operated Biblicare has joined forces with Fallen Soldiers March to help them track the care that is being provided.”

The episode can be found here: https://www.biblicalcounselingcoalition.org/podcast-episode/1514-ep-151-don-roy/

Thanks again to the BCC for featuring us! We’re glad to be of service, and appreciate how much praise and goodwill you send our way.



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