A Vietnam Vet Serves The Next Generation Of War Veterans

Greg Izor is a Vietnam Vet who has served by ministering to Veterans for over 25 years.  However, ministry was getting a bit dry for him as he felt God calling him towards the “new”.  This became abundantly clear to him when he went to an event and saw Chad Robichaux speak.  He watched as Chad poured into the veterans of his own generation and it motivated Greg to want to pour into the generation after him.

This led Greg to go through the Mighty Oaks Program to learn more.  At the end of the program, he was asked to join as a team lead.  He joyfully accepted the opportunity to serve.  Greg brought a unique wisdom to the group.  He had already dealt with the issues of PTS and found healing.  Having served vets for many years he had the experience to bring to the table.
Greg found new life in serving with Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs.  He told us, “Having ministered to veterans for 25 years I have never seen a program as effective as Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs and with as much follow-up.”

He continued, “I have never seen men so broken and then come away with such soft hearts.  The content of this program has the ability to take a rebellious man with no time for God trying to deal on his own terms to a place of embracing that God has a purpose of who he should be as a man.  It’s a Christian program that draws in secular men and presents how God intended them to be.  It teaches how to be a warrior in all areas of life.  Men walk away embracing truth and experiencing success in life.”
Greg has served at many Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs and still has the same passion as when he first joined us.  We asked him to share one of his favorite memories.  It was a story of one of our program graduates that spoke at a graduation ceremony.

This man was living a rough life, dealing drugs and discharging a firearm in his neighborhood for fun.  He was angry and shut down.  One day his friend gave him a brochure for Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs.  He didn’t want to go but his girlfriend signed him up.  The day before he was supposed to go he was joyriding and got pulled over by the cops.  He had drugs in the car and actually told the cops he had more drugs at home so that they would arrest him rather than have to go to Mighty Oaks Men’s Program.
 The cops took him to his house to see the drugs.  His girlfriend was there and when she found out why he brought the cops home she was livid!  She threw a fit and told the cops what was going on.  It turned out the police were two Marine Corp Combat Vets who told him, “buddy, you are going to the program.”  They took the drugs and left and the next day he went to the program.  Long story short he accepted Christ at the program and went home to ask his girlfriend to become his wife. 

It is stories like this that keep Greg coming back to lead at Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs.  These stories are evidence that Greg doesn’t really serve at Mighty Oaks but actually gets the opportunity to be part of a greater story.  God’s redemptive story.

We are currently working to fund the 137 Warriors waiting to enter our program.

Would you consider donating today to help make this possible?


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