VA Suicide Rate Report

By John Mizerak –


In June, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs concluded their analysis of Veteran suicide data nationally, and found that suicide rates have increased.

This year’s report, with updated statistics on veteran suicide, shows veteran suicide numbers are significantly higher than non-veterans and not going down despite tens of millions in spending.  The report shows veterans aged 18-34 have a suicide rate more than twice as high than non-veterans. The numbers published cover 2005-2015 and contain data not previously published in the agency’s rushed 2016 report.

While the agency asserts veteran suicide has remained static at 20 deaths per day, the newer numbers show the agency’s spending to reduce suicide has only benefited the government contractors and not the veterans targeted with the resources created.  In 2016, the agency published new numbers that were reportedly more accurate than previous research showing veterans commit suicide at a rate of 22 per day. That number became a tagline for those who believe VA does not care about veteran suicide.

But, with this new report, the agency still asserts the overall number is still 20 per day, but individual breakdowns show the suicide rate is going up – – and it is going up faster than non-veterans, despite record funding!

Veterans make up more than 14 percent of all suicides, although they account for only 8 percent of the total population, the VA report said.

At Mighty Oaks, our purpose is to heal these brokenhearted Warriors by addressing the spiritual injury of combat trauma and to reverse its effects in these families that have already sacrificed so much for our nation. After more than 1,900 alumni to our programs, we are 100% successful in suicide prevention and nearly as effective in preventing divorce. In fact, our programs are so successful that we receive hundreds of active duty military on official orders.

We also want to prevent the pain caused to those families left behind as shown in the video below.
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