Using Your Unique Talents To Bring Heaven To Earth

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I routinely attend meetings with CEOs, leaders, special operators, and experts from a number of different industries. These accomplished men lead successful professional lives, but many of them struggle to know their life’s purpose. They fail to understand God’s plan for their lives. 

In large part, it’s because they’ve assumed that their mission on earth and their occupations are one and the same. They’ve accepted that God’s purpose for their lives is limited to the work they do. 

The truth is that, if we have Christ in us, our purpose here should be the same as His: to bring Heaven to earth. When we say “yes” to Jesus, we must say “yes” to the plans He has for our lives. 

That begins when we recognize three things:

  • That we were born in the image of the Creator (Gen. 1:27)
  • That He knit us together, and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14)
  • That He gives us each specific gifts, talents, and resources according to His will. (1 Cor. 12:4-11)

So why would He do this? Why would He intentionally create each of us with a unique set of abilities?

Because we were created to subdue and take dominion

“God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it: and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Gen. 1:28

We were created to share God’s love with all of the people we come in contact with; to make earth look more like heaven. God intends to change our hearts to more closely reflect His own, but He isn’t interested in behavior modification. He wants us to grow daily, and to operate out of love. He calls us to do good in the world; to work with Him instead of for Him. 

The men of Junto Tribe are working to find the purpose God sent us here for. We’re working to understand what it means to subdue and take dominion of the world around us. We endeavor to do good because God calls us to do it rather than because it benefits us. And we seek to work with God instead of working for God. 

Each of us needs fellow travelers to join us on the journey; travelers who will challenge us to be better and do better. And we welcome the opportunity to do the same for them. 

Begin today by recognizing that your gifts, talents, and resources are precise and intentional, and they perfectly suit a purpose God has designed for you. Be willing to look outside your occupation to find the mission God has for your life because your identity extends far beyond your work. 

There’s a tribe of men somewhere who needs your help. 

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Our intensive peer-to-peer programs serve as the catalyst to assist our Nation’s Warriors in discovering the answers to the big questions in life, dealing with challenges related to the struggles of daily military life, combat deployments and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS). Our programs are available at NO COST to our honored service men & women, held at beautiful locations across the US.

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