
In the latest episode of The March or Die Show, host Jeremy Stalnecker engages in a profound conversation with Jared C. Wilson about the enduring power of the Gospel in the lives of Christians. Wilson, an accomplished author, professor, and pastor, shares his personal testimony and delves into how the Gospel sustains believers not just at the moment of salvation but throughout the trials and challenges of everyday life.

The Ongoing Power of the Gospel

Stalnecker opens the episode by highlighting the importance of understanding how the Gospel, far from being a one-time event, should underpin every aspect of a Christian’s life. He notes that in a world that feels increasingly chaotic—politically, culturally, and personally—Christians can feel overwhelmed. Yet, the Gospel remains the central power that allows believers to “march forward,” even when life feels like it’s falling apart.

Jared C. Wilson shares his journey from growing up in a Christian home to experiencing a life-altering realization in his twenties. Despite being familiar with the truths of the Gospel from an early age, Wilson admits he believed the Gospel was for unbelievers alone, something that saved you once, and then you moved on. However, during a season of personal and marital turmoil, he found himself on the verge of despair and even considered suicide. It was in this moment that Wilson discovered the life-altering truth: the Gospel wasn’t just for his past conversion—it was for his present pain, and it holds power for every moment of life.

From Doing to Being: The Heart of Gospel-Centered Living

A key theme that runs throughout the conversation is the idea that “doing flows from being.” Both Wilson and Stalnecker emphasize that many Christians try to live out their faith by following a checklist of religious duties—reading the Bible, attending church, or praying—without truly understanding the transformative nature of their identity in Christ.

Wilson explains that once believers grasp their identity in Christ, they no longer have to strive for God’s approval. Instead, they can live in response to what Christ has already done for them. This perspective shift from “doing Christianity” to “being a Christian” changes everything. Rather than living by a set of religious rules, the Gospel calls believers to live in the freedom of grace, knowing that they are fully accepted and loved by God because of Christ’s work.

Stalnecker adds a powerful analogy from leadership, explaining that just as leaders must learn to be leaders rather than merely do leadership tasks, Christians must learn to live out their faith from their sense of being, rooted in the Gospel.

The Gospel in the Midst of Trauma and Trials

A central question in the conversation revolves around how the Gospel can help those who have experienced trauma and overwhelming trials. For many, especially in the military and first responder communities, these experiences can be life-shattering. Stalnecker points out that as a counselor, it can be tempting to offer step-by-step solutions to those dealing with trauma. However, Wilson redirects the focus to the power of the Gospel in these moments.

Wilson explains that Christ is not a distant figure removed from our suffering. On the contrary, through the incarnation, Jesus experienced human suffering, abandonment, and even death. This truth offers profound comfort to those enduring pain, knowing that God is not detached from their suffering. While trials may not disappear, the Gospel assures believers that God is with them in their suffering, shaping them to be more like Christ.

Both Stalnecker and Wilson agree that while suffering can feel overwhelming, especially for those dealing with trauma, it is temporary compared to the eternal joy that awaits believers. Citing passages like Psalm 56 and Hebrews 11, they remind listeners that even when trials seem unbearable, the Gospel promises a future of complete restoration.

Looking to Heaven: Keeping Our Gaze Upward

One of the most encouraging takeaways from the episode is the importance of keeping our gaze fixed on Christ. Wilson emphasizes that the early church endured horrific persecution by keeping their eyes on the promise of eternal glory. Similarly, modern-day believers must focus on the eternal reward that Christ promises.

In the face of trials, it’s easy to feel defeated, but the Bible constantly directs believers to “set your minds on things above.” This heavenly perspective provides the strength to endure suffering, knowing that one day, every tear will be wiped away, and every trial will be replaced with eternal joy in God’s presence.

Conclusion: Choosing to March

As Stalnecker wraps up the episode, he offers a powerful reminder: in the face of life’s challenges, Christians have two choices. They can either stay where they are and die—emotionally, spiritually, or even physically—or they can march forward. The Gospel gives them the strength to take that next step, no matter how overwhelming the obstacles may seem.

This episode of The March or Die Show is a powerful reminder that the Gospel is not just a message of salvation for the lost, but a daily source of strength and clarity for the believer. It calls Christians to live with a sense of peace and purpose, empowered by the truth that Christ has already done the work—now it’s time to march forward in faith.

For more insights from Jared C. Wilson, you can visit his website at JaredCWilson.com, where you’ll find his books, podcasts, and other resources.

Make sure to subscribe to The March or Die Show for more encouraging content, and remember, no matter what you’re facing, the choice to march or die is always yours. Keep moving forward in the power of the Gospel.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: The Power of the Gospel

Listen on Spotify: The Power of the Gospel

Watch on Youtube: The Power of the Gospel



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