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In life, we all leave a legacy—whether we realize it or not. It’s not just about fame or accolades, but about the impact we make on those around us. In ...
Twenty ladies took a leap of faith and attended our second Women’s Legacy Program of 2024 this past week. They traveled to the beautiful SkyRose Ranch located in San Miguel, ...
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Broken from trauma, restless from choices, and feeling “sub-par” due to ...
Are you anxious, worried about the future, your future? Anxiety is the inevitable unease that gnaws at our confidence, the slow suffocation as we feel strangled by the challenges of ...
This past week at Sky Rose Ranch, CA, twenty-two Veterans came together. While none of them knew exactly what to expect or what they would get out of the week, ...
By Glenn Rosenbaum As the first major arctic winter weather storm wreaked havoc over the majority of North America, veterans and first responders from all over the country endured the ...
By, Travis Gitthens “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ...
The holiday season is often hailed as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many veterans and military service members, it can bring unique challenges and heightened stress. As ...
By Travis Sellers, As the week began, I watched more than 20 Veterans and First Responders arrive at the beautiful SkyRose Ranch in California. Some of them had an idea ...
By Chad Robichaux, Veterans Day is a time to honor the brave men and women who have selflessly served our nation. It’s not just about parades, ceremonies or big-box store ...
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