Mighty Oaks


Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.

  By Travis Lewarchik Each week at these sessions, veterans and first responders show up to the ranches in search of hope, identity, and healing. This past week at Skyrose ...

The holiday season is often hailed as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many veterans and military service members, it can bring unique challenges and heightened stress. As ...

Written by Jeremy Stalnecker If you live in a community with active duty military families but have never been a part of the military yourself it can be difficult to ...

Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Over the past several days, much has been said about the United States’ role in the world. With the elimination of a terrorist responsible for murder ...

Written by Jeremey Stalnecker Much has been written on the importance of a team for success in life and business. Military schools emphasize the strength that comes from the unit ...

Written By Jeremy Stalnecker Post Traumatic Stress Disorder carries with it some very real consequences. Any discussion of PTSd and combat trauma that tries to make coping nothing more than ...

It is time that we stop paying lip service to the sacrifices of those who have made America great and begin to honor those sacrifices by once again getting out ...

We invite you to listen to our second Mighty Oaks Podcast with Chad and Jeremy. First Segment: Chad and Jeremy Second Segment: Interview with Retired US Navy SEAL Sr. Chief, ...

By Jamie Warner – After multiple combat deployments, the loss of several Marines and close friends and the death of his younger brother, Bryan found himself battling depression, anxiety, grief, ...

Val Clover had accepted that her husband, Jason, was an angry man. She learned to walk on eggshells to not entice him to anger and to fight back when his ...