Sponsoring Organizations

By John Mizerak –
Mighty Oaks Foundation is always blessed to have other organizations donate time and money to our amazing cause.  At the end of 2018, we were honored to be presented a check for $4000 from the Rogue Chapter #1260 of the (NCOA) Non-Commissioned Officers Association.  The NCOA was founded in 1960 in San Antonio, Texas by a group of retired non-commissioned and petty officers seeking to create a patriotic, fraternal, and benevolent Association. NCOA’s membership includes and is open to all Current, Separated, or Retired Enlisted personnel who have served honorably in an Active, Reserve, or National Guard capacity in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Isaac Barnheart and his wife, Jennifer

Isaac Barnheart and his wife, Jennifer, took time out of their busy life to drive up from Spokane, WA to Medford, OR to represent Mighty Oaks Foundation at the NCOA’s December Christmas social where the check from the annual 5K fun run that supports veteran’s charities.
Terry Haines, of the NCOA, commented that, Isaac did a fantastic job of sharing his story and the impact that God had in turning him into the man he is today.  I am in awe that Isaac and his wife, Jennifer, drove all the way through a driving rain storm to visit a relatively small veteran’s gathering.  I can say that hearts were touched that night!  I saw tears in the eyes of several in the group as he shared his story.  People who had no idea that Mighty Oaks even existed, are now hooked on what it can do in veteran and spouse’s lives.  The power of God was present in that room that night.  I look forward to future opportunities to lean on and learn from each other.  I think this event had a profound and positive impact on NCOA.”

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