By Mike Sanders –

Table of Contents
Where will you find quiet?
It isn’t readily available to any of us. The world constantly assaults us with noise and disturbance and chaos.
We have around-the-clock access to televisions, computers, and video games. Our cell phones invade every moment of our lives and they insulate us from the opportunity to be still and quiet.
Many of us struggle to quiet our minds even when the environment around us is quiet. When the house is dark, and the world is sleeping, our minds refuse to slow down. Because we don’t intentionally pursue rest, we never find it.
As a result, we’re losing our ability to think. We spend much of our days mindlessly engaging with cell phones and electronic devices that isolate us from wonder and thought.
We stay on autopilot because it’s easier that way.
But Jesus set a different example for us. He took time away from the busyness of His ministry to seek quiet.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Mark 1:35
Jesus knew that it was easier to hear from the Father when He was alone in the Father’s presence. From the time He was a young boy, Jesus understood that God was the source of wisdom.
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Proverbs 2:6
We are called to be true scholars, grounded in God’s truths. We are called to grow in wisdom and stature, just as Jesus did.
The world needs our knowledge and our wisdom to solve problems and serve people. We must experiment and learn and engage with the world around us. To do less would be to squander the incredible abilities God has given each of us.
The men of Junto Tribe recognize that the world becomes more complicated each day, and our hands-off approach isn’t working. God has uniquely equipped men to impact the world and engage with its people, and we have a responsibility to that calling.
What does that look like practically?
· Read. All the great lessons of humanity are captured in books: the triumphs, the challenges, and the failures.
· Journal. Write down the thoughts and ideas you have and track the discoveries you make along the way.
· Experiment. Try new things. Seek solutions to problems that exist in the world around you.
· Think. Turn off the electronic devices and embrace the quiet. Ponder ideas. Consider options.
When God’s men pursue knowledge together with His truth, He will open doors to us.
How will you start?