Saul’s Testimony: What it Means to Be A Godly Man?

Saul Villanueva - A Mighty Oaks Testimony

What role did Mighty Oaks play in your transformation?

On a hot summer afternoon, I found myself in the courtyard of the Spanish Villa at Sky Rose Ranch, face-to-face with my Team Leader, John Davis. In the midst of what I can only describe as the pain and suffering that come from realizing the life I built was falling apart, John was leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees, with his Bible in his hands. His eyes never departed from me as I furiously fired problem after problem at him in pain and anger, falsely believing that there was no solution to my problems. I was certain there wasn’t even a possibility he could ever understand the suffering I was experiencing.

But he sat there, calm, quiet, actively listening, enjoying a peace I could not understand. It would be a long time before I came to understand this confident position he was resting in. As I reflect on that day, I realize he knew something that I did not. The Holy Spirit was working in my life.

And then I got him. I finally fired a problem at him that he did not have an answer to, and he admitted it, saying, “Saul, let me talk to Bill about that problem, and I will get back to you today.” I nodded my head, confident that there wasn’t a solution and that I was now justified in my pain and suffering.

John returned later and, with gentle boldness, explained through Scripture what my role was as a man, husband, and father. I was in complete shock at the wisdom with which he spoke and the absolute confidence he had as he pointed directly to a book—a Bible, which I had a copy of at home but had never opened or read.

How could the answer be there the whole time?! I’m 40 years old—why was this the first time someone was actually teaching me the truth of God’s word? Why was this man, who just met me, so willing to invest time to teach me the truth? Why did he even care?! I listened to what John had to say as questions flooded my mind in a failed attempt to come up with anything to prove God’s word wrong. Feelings of anger, frustration, and fear began to consume me as I started to understand sin—my sin.

As the week progressed, I observed not only John but all the Team Leaders and staff living out what it means to be godly men. They were living testimonies to the transformative power of faith. However, it’s crucial to understand that neither John, the other leaders, nor Mighty Oaks itself saved me. Rather, they were instruments used by God to deliver His truth according to His perfect timing and purpose.

The biblical transformation process is not about reforming oneself but rather about God transforming individuals from within, through the work of the Holy Spirit—not through mere behavioral modification. Mighty Oaks plays a role in this transformation by creating an environment where God’s truth can be shared and received. However, the true power of change lies in the faithful God we serve, who is mighty to save and transform lives for His glory. This journey of change is ongoing, as we continually grow in Christlikeness through the work of the Holy Spirit.

I find peace in knowing that, regardless of my position, God remains faithful and will bring His plan to completion. At Mighty Oaks, we are blessed to witness the work of the Holy Spirit in such concentrated periods, often seeing prayers answered every week that some might have waited a lifetime for.

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