S.H.E. is Also Steadfast

By Jamie Warner – 

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 15:58

Although there has been a lack of rain washing over the California Central Coast, there has been no lack of God raining down his glory on SkyRose Ranch this year. April’s Women’s Legacy Program was further evidence of that.
Amidst beautiful weather and breathtaking scenery and much photo taking, the Lady Warriors arrived at SkyRose Ranch ready for action. This group of ladies consisted of military spouses and an unusually large number of veterans. The Women’s staff has honed the programming to a smooth mix of classes, discussions, self-defense, and enjoying the beauty and ruggedness of the ranch on the 4-wheelers. It’s a good thing too, because every Legacy Program has its moments of fun and relaxation, but there is also a great deal of hard work involved in transforming a life to the life we are created to live.
The cross-section of Lady Warriors for this class was diverse as usual, however, there seemed to be much loss represented among the students. Significant loss is always difficult to move past or to even foster the mindset of moving forward despite pain, tragedy, and loss, especially if the loss is still fresh. But the leadership team dug-in for the hard work and pressed forward and facilitated great interactions and discussions between the quality teaching. Students began to open up right away, even during the first group sessions – a testament to the caliber of leaders and instructors the Women’s Program have developed.
Every Legacy Program brings a unique set of challenges for the leadership to tackle, and this Program was no exception. You can imagine the logistical, financial, and administrative challenges an organization must face to pull off a multi-day residential event involving people from all over our great nation. Well, the leaders and instructors often face those same types of challenges when preparing. In fact, one of the topics we cover during a Legacy Program is Our Common Enemy because we are all engaged in a spiritual battle, and our enemy, Satan, wants to distract us from living the lives we were created to live. Our staff and all those who have aligned their lives with God know and expect these kinds of attacks, especially immediately prior to embarking on His mission. Our Lady Team Leaders felt the attacks as they prepared to leave the responsibilities of home for several days because if our enemy can’t get you, he’ll go after your family to try to pull you away from your mission.

And when he cannot prevent us from holding a Program, he’ll send attacks to try and trip us up. But this WLP team united as a leadership team during the challenges and the session as a whole, each doing her part in support of the whole, and overcame the difficulties and even trained four new leaders and as at least four of the women publicly aligned their lives with Christ and all left with tools to help them be authentic women of faith.
We are so proud of all who participated in the April Women’s Legacy Program. We are also proud and thankful of the incredible support we receive from all our partners nationwide. We do not labor in vain when we labor for our Lord. Together we are Saving Lives, Restoring Families, and Changing Legacies.

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