Responding to the Challenge

By John Mizerak –
PRESCOTT, AZ,  – September 22, 2018 – Think of everything that is unique about men, their passions, activities, sports, man toys and motivational speakers that talk to what makes a man tick, that is what the Get Real Men’s Expo is all about.  This year’s event not only featured Chad Robichaux from Mighty Oaks Foundation, but also showcased Monster Truck, “Bigfoot,” state-of-the-art cars, ax throwing, kayaking, classic car show, SWAT Teams, K-9 Units, motorcycles, helicopter landings and lots and lots of food.
“Seven years ago we started this event in mid-August, and we had thousands of men attend this non-denominational men’s expo. There were just so many summer events at that time we spoke with the city of Prescott and found there were no major events on September 22, and thus the reason for the new date,” says Dan Olsen, this year’s chairman of the expo. “We also needed a bigger venue because of all the classic cars and featured Monster Truck ‘Bigfoot,’ and thus the reason for Yavapai College.”
Chad commented, “I had an amazing time in Prescott, AZ last month, speaking at the Prescott Get Real Men’s Expo on ‘Stepping into God’s Purpose as Men’ – with over 1,000 men and 30 churches in attendance. Well over 100 men came forward at the end responding to the challenge and prayer. Men like this around our country continue to inspire and encourage me.”

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