Resolve to Live Renewed Lives

Resolve to Live Renewed Lives | By, Jamie Warner

Ah, January. January marks the start of the new year. The time of new beginnings, new diets, new goals, new gym memberships, and new resolutions. And although I can’t, or won’t, verify that all of us who were at last week’s Men’s Legacy Program made resolutions to lose weight after a week of eating Chef Kenny’s amazing food, I can speak of a resolution that was made by the Warriors who are determined to see continued success in the most important things in life.


After the staff methodically lays out the path to Biblical manhood — a life lived according to the original design by the Creator of life Himself — the men are given an opportunity to make, not a New Year’s resolution, rather a New Life Resolution:


As alumni of Mighty Oaks, they are part of a new brotherhood committed to standing up for what is right, even when it is not convenient.


He commits to live his life by the design of God, his creator, as a man of courage.


And as a servant to Jesus Christ, he resolves to live life to serve others… not himself.


He determines to serve as a leader in his faith, his family, and his community.


The path is simple, but far from easy. The continued success for those who make this resolution stands on four principles. We call them the Four BE’s:


BE in the Word

BE in Prayer

BE in Community (attend and serve in a local church)

BE in Contact with your Cornermen (accountability)


Like the four legs of table, if you remove one or more, it is only a matter of time before the table topples over and everything it was carrying crashes with it. But when all four pillars are firmly in place, the “table,” or Godly man, will be able to stand firm under the weight of life’s trials. And the beauty of this “New Life Resolution” is it comes with brothers that will encourage, support, and love one another and hold each other accountable to their commitments.


This last week was just the beginning of New Life Resolutions for 2022, because it was the first of 34 scheduled Legacy Programs for this year. So please, partner with us here at Mighty Oaks Foundation.


Pray for the Warriors that have attended Legacy Programs.

Pray for the Warriors who will attend throughout this year.

And pray for our Mighty Oaks team as we press forward into the work the Lord has called us to!

(If there is any chance you may be battling with PTSD, please click here to be taken to our application page. We are here for you.)



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