(Re)Building Future Leaders

By John Mizerak –
The team at Mighty Oaks continues to be amazed how God blesses our organization and uses it to touch so many. As we pass our mid-year mark of 2018 we recently reached 2,044 graduates of our Legacy Program. This year alone, we have had 198 first time graduates from our men’s programs, and 50 from our women’s programs. We have had 43 participants in our leadership programs this year as well.
That is a 22% ratio of attendees to future leaders, which is an indicator of the success of our Legacy Program.

The impact that this program immediately has on participants is shown by their willingness to be future leaders in the transformational process, as they start to focus on their LEGACY and pay it forward!
The Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs has a unique leadership development philosophy. We recruit from within. Each of our Team Leaders is a combat veterans who have come through the program as a participant. That means all our Team Leaders work with the men who come through the Men’s Legacy Program from a position of experience. That experience encompasses both combat experience and Post Traumatic Stress. That also means that our Team Leaders function in a “peer-to-peer” capacity. The experience our TLs brings translates into a voice of compassion and patience. Our TLs come from all military branches with a variety of MOS’s represented. We treat those who come through our program the way you’d expect a fellow veteran, a fellow warrior, in a way they would expect to be treated. We don’t coddle, nor treat those who attend as victims because we reject the idea that veterans are victims. We treat those who come as warriors who need to get back in the fight because there are things in life worth fighting for.

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