PTS: Point-Truth-Solution

By John Foldberg – 
Last month Chad and I were texting about an event I attended.  It was an event that highlights the important purpose we have within Mighty Oaks and as Christians.  During the text stream, Chad typed, that we need to point people to the truth for the solution.  Yep, I agreed, we need to Point to the Truth for the Solution.

We have a new name for acronym PTS: Point-Truth-Solution.

Let’s break that down a little…
Point; means, in my mind both direction and effort.  This has the same connotation that James has in “steadfastness” found in James 3.  It involves an idea of where to go and intentional purpose in going in THAT direction.  It’s like sailing a boat, the prevailing wind will blow us around unless we have a rudder and that rudder is pointing in the direction we want to go.
Truth; means we have something that we not only can believe in, but what we fully and completely trust in.  That truth in found in the never changing, always relevant Word of God.  His truth will guide us during the storms that occur in everyone’s life.  His truth will inform us of the magnitude of God’s love for us and what His sacrifice means and promises to those who accept His gift of salvation.  That truth will inform us that God’s love never fails, and regardless of our circumstances His truth and our obedience to it will conform us into the image of His son (Rom 8:28-29).
Solution; means that with steadfastness, reliance on the truth, the promises of God found in His word, NOT in our feelings and the somewhat erratic and rollercoaster flow of our emotions, we will attain the solution!  That solution is a changed heart, one that was dead, that was a heart of stone, to one that is alive, and one that reflects the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.  Our life will reflect a growth in these character traits, these attitudes, as we steadfastly trust in the truths found in a relationship with Jesus Christ (Gal. 5: 22-23).
That’s where it all comes together; our new definition of PTS should reflect a belief in Christ that generates love for Him and others. It’s not knowing a collection of facts about our Savior, it’s about a relationship that changes lives.  Daily, moment by moment, we rely on His promises regardless of feelings and circumstances. Jesus Christ wants us to have a relationship with us, one that transforms us and carries us into an eternal relationship with Him.

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