Path To Resiliency Endorsements

Path to Resiliency was written to challenge the greatest of Warriors, whether military or civilian, man or woman… to be ready for, resilient to, and able to reintegrate from life’s trials and rigors.  

You don’t have to go to Iraq or Afghanistan to the face hardships and trails of life, military service member or not, we all find ourselves in moments of adversity and hardship from time to time.  When we do, will you have the resiliency to overcome those times, or when you falter,will you have what it takes to bounce back?
Authors Chad and Jeremy have had tremendous success in leading the Mighty Oaks Warrior Program to help struggling combat veterans facing the unseen wounds of war to find hope, healing, and purpose beyond their trauma.  This book will share their secrets so we can take the same principles used to heal our Warrior’s spiritual wounds and apply them to our lives so that we will be prepared, stronger and spiritually resilient to all this world will throw at us.  Chad Robichaux explains, “The intent of this book is to share with you the lessons we have learned by working with many combat veterans at Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs (MOWP), by not only leading them to restoration, hope and a new purpose, but finding the strength to be truly resilient to every hardship this world might throw at us.”
Are YOU ready to take a journey with us to find the Path to Resiliency?
Currently available for pre-order.  Be the first to have yours shipped on January 5th, 2017! Pre-Order now!


Authors:  Chad Robichaux and Jeremy Stalnecker
Foreword by Major General Bob Dees, US Army (Retired), Author of The Resilience Trilogy and Founder of the Institute for Military Resilience, Liberty University. 



“The Path to Resiliency by Chad Robichaux and Jeremy Stalnecker is a gift to our nation’s military veterans, currently serving military, and their families.  From a larger perspective, it will significantly contribute to “Making America Resilient Again.”  A must read!”      

Major General Bob Dees, U.S. Army, Retired  Author – Resilient Warriors, Resilient Leaders, and Resilient Nations

Chad Robichaux and Jeremy Stalnecker have done a great service for our veterans!  Drawing from personal experience and proven results, they explain the best path to resiliency. I pray that the clear and compelling message of this book will transform lives for God’s glory and the good of our military members.

Commander John Marc Wiemann, Naval Flight Officer, Retired
Lead Pastor – Cornerstone Community Church of Atascadero

Serving California has had a front row seat to witness the powerful life transformations that are taking place among our veterans and active military through the ministry of the Mighty Oaks Foundation. With the release of their new book, The Path to Resiliency, Chad Robichaux and Jeremy Stalnecker have tapped into the timeless principles of God’s Word to challenge and encourage us all (military or not) to live a life of intentionality that will result in leaving the type of life legacy that will bring honor to God, our families and our neighbors. I highly recommend this book to anyone who desires to live a life of purpose and I believe that it will be used by God to transform many more lives.

Dr. Greg Bruce – President, Serving USA (Serving California)

Robichaux and Stalnecker are two warriors who fought to defend our nation and now they fight and encourage others to fight “the good fight of faith.” Path to Resiliency was forged in the furnace of their personal battles with combat trauma and years of experience helping fellow warriors overcome battles of their own. My prayer is that this book would energize many who are stuck in the mire of their own battle to take the first step on a new journey of hope and healing guided by God’s Word.

Curtis W. Solomon – Director, The Biblical Counseling Coalition

Currently available for pre-order in hard cover and soft cover!  Be the first to have yours shipped on January 5th, 2017! Pre-Order now!