MOF & Fire Rescue Magazine

By John Mizerak –
At the end of October, Mighty Oaks founder, Chad Robichaux, had the privilege to speak on Resiliency and PTSd at the Riverside Fire Chiefs Academy as these incredible leaders, of our brave firefighters, assembled together to grow and develop their departments.
Chad often takes time to speak to First Responder groups, and Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs include several First Responder programs each year.  We have been able to bless these first responders (many whom are veterans) with the same life-changing programs that our military warriors experience and through those programs we are building strong affiliations with organizations like FireRescue Magazine.
FireRescue Magazine reaches fire chiefs, company officers and firefighters with “devoted to the interests of firefighters worldwide” content that gives fire-rescue professionals the education they want and need. Check out the new site at
For more than 140 years, FireRescue Magazine has provided training, education, and management information for fire and emergency services personnel worldwide. Articles are written by experts in the fire service and focus on lessons-learned.
Feature articles cover real-life situations such as collapse void search, confined space rescue, high-angle rescue, and extrication. Regular magazine departments focus on education and management issues.
The online version of Fire Engineering provides daily international business and industry-related news, current issue articles, and access to years of searchable editorial archives. Check the calendar of events for the next FDIC, industry-related conference, or refer to the Product Guide for vendor, product and service information.

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