Meeting Your Hometown Neighbor

By John Foldberg – 
Last month, on July 13th, Mighty Oaks graduated its third Ohio class of the year, and it was awesome to see how God worked in the lives of the men who came. They came from as far as Texas and as near as Ohio. I asked one of the leaders who comes from Texas for what he thought were memorable events and he simply, yet clearly, described it as “dudes coming to Jesus, that’s a huge highlight.” I think he nailed it. What is also really amazing is how God works in both the infinite ways in the big-ticket items of life and how he works infinitely small things in our lives. In both of the last two Ohio programs, men who have come came from hundreds of miles away actually live within minutes of one of the Mighty Oaks leaders. All the way from Texas, and now they have local fellowship. Amazing how God does that; simply amazing. Another highlight was finding churches for the men who came. Mighty Oaks believes and teaches in the primacy of the local church as God’s instrument on earth, and we want our graduates to get plugged in and serving in their local church. That’s what we’re all called to do.
Each week, we have an opportunity to hear from the men who come through. They share their stories with us, and it’s an incredible opportunity to unload some of the weight that’s been piling up on their lives. We don’t share their stories, but what’s profound in them is the hope they have in moving forward. A renewed hope in their purpose in life as a husband, father, brother, and friend. Many find a new identity, one that will have eternal consequences, and found in Christ.
If you know any active duty or veterans who need hope, please send them our way.

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