Meet Woman’s Legacy Program Team Leader-Iris Estrada

My Life Was Pure Chaos
by Jamie Warner

“Hopelessness. Rejection. Pain. Regret. Un-forgiveness. Depression.” These are the words that come to mind for Iris Estrada when asked what led her to the Women’s Legacy Program. Recently, Iris shared a little about her journey.
“My husband and I were in the middle of a divorce that was being led by drugs, infidelity, hurt, regret, and hopelessness. My children were living in anxiety and brokenness,” Estrada explained. Like so many who find themselves in similar circumstances, Iris found herself giving into her dismal situation and began believing the lie that there was no hope for her marriage and family. But, even though her family was at ‘rock bottom’, she knew she still had the power to decide.
“I found myself at a crossroad, able to take [one of] two roads. One road that led to self-destruction, a broken home, and pain, or another road that led to Jesus, restoration, forgiveness, and hard work.” Hard work was right.
Iris made the decision, despite all the pain and heartache she’d been experiencing, to attend the Mighty Oaks Legacy Program for Women, and it made all the difference. Probably the most impactful part of the Program, for Iris, was the testimony time. Hearing the other women share their stories showed her she wasn’t alone in her struggles. Knowing her instructors had also struggled gave her hope. And then, the mothering class really struck a chord with her. “Boy, did that pierce my heart. I realized how much time I was wasting and how distorted my focus was.” Iris knew what she had to work on and how victory could be found one decision at a time; it’s a never-ending process.
Summarizing what Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs has meant to her and her family, she shared, “Implementing what my husband and I learned at the program has saved our marriage and potentially my husband’s life. I will forever be grateful for the tools I gained and the life-long friends I’ve made.”
When asked what prompted her to return to Legacy for Women and train to serve as a Team Leader, Iris was quick to answer. “I wanted to give back; I wanted to share what God did for me as a mother and a wife. I am on fire to fight Satan’s evil schemes, one of which is to destroy marriages. I want to pay it forward.”
“I chose the second road, and I am so thankful I did.”

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