By Jeff Lardizabal –

It’s been a year since graduating Mighty Oaks Men’s Legacy Program at Bull Run in Virginia, and it’s been a great year! Thank you MOWP for all you’ve done for veterans and first responders, and their families, by making a safe place for them to come home, in Christ. My own story is one of not fully trusting everything, unto the Lord, until the time of my attendance. I had, up until that time, been a “Christian,” or so I believed to have been one, and in 30 years of working in psychiatry, law enforcement, and retiring from the Army on January 31, 2016, while being married for 32 years, I had believed I had fought the good fight.
Nonetheless, the sin which so easily strangles us – pride, kept me from completely, as James 4:10 commands, to- “Humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift us up.”
In fact, I had not done that, completely. I still had my “GO TO fixes,” with addictions to pornography, anger, all things I had justified as simply this… “The world all that has gone wrong is waxing more evil each day, so I have the right to let out a little steam and anger through martial arts or porn and, then I’ll get back into the fight for Jesus, like I usually do, 99% of the time.”
Jesus wants us 100% of the time, NOT 99% of the time!~
He also forgives us completely of all our sins and is faithful to restore us. So if you’ve fallen off the wagon; “GET UP BAMBI!” That is what God has been telling me since my 2017 MOWP experience – and keep falling forward, in love, in Christ.
This year I’ve led two REBOOT Combat Recovery programs, and we’ve had 20 graduates, some considering leading programs of their own.
Thank you MOWP for re-aligning me with Christ, all 100% of him, and his righteousness, wherein I have complete HOPE for the fight ahead.
“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing
worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all
things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” –
Philippians 3:8