Military life has a way of forging bonds well beyond the ordinary casual relationships we all experience in life. Service members in the normal course of duty shed blood, sweat, and tears together in some of the most challenging environments. It’s no wonder that this type of bond through shared experience naturally seeps into the lives of military spouses and families. While deployed, service members spend most of their time together as a unit. Likewise, the loved ones back home in those units also spend time together and share in the stress and anxiety and loneliness that is experienced by those on the Homefront. In fact, it’s precisely that feeling of brotherhood, sisterhood, and camaraderie that makes separation from the military so traumatic.
Many of the participants of the Mighty Oaks Legacy Programs feel that sense of loss all too well and often wish to regain that connection in some way with someone. And that’s what happens, among so much more, at a Legacy Program.

This month’s Women’s Legacy Program was certainly no exception. The 25 participants and 15 staff members all joined together with the common goal of gaining balance, finding answers, regaining purpose, and restoring hope, but they left with so much more. A new sisterhood of close friendships that can only be born out of shared work, struggle, and victory was created.
Legacy Program for Women strives to help participants see how aligning their lives with their Creator’s plan can help get them back on the tracks of life if they’ve found themselves temporarily derailed. They are guided through the process of digging deep to the root issues and laying the groundwork for healing. And all this hinges on a relationship with the Creator.

We are so proud of all the ladies who attended this month’s Program. Please continue to keep them in prayer, because just like we say with the men, the fight isn’t over after the Program. In fact, in most cases, it continues on. However, with the tools and insight gained during the Program, our Lady Warriors have a new tactical advantage in the fight for peace and restoration because they are newly equipped and will Never Fight Alone again!
Apply to Our Programs
The Mighty Oaks Warrior journey begins with intensive peer based programs that utilize instructional sessions, camaraderie, and team building activities that are designed to challenge our Warriors to overcome their past experiences and move forward into a life of purpose. Our programs take place all across America on Military Bases, at our Outposts, and on rural ranch lodges.
Our programs are available at NO COST to our honored service men & women, held at beautiful locations across the US.
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