By Jamie Warner
Table of Contents
‘Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.’
Psalms 37:3
On a warm July afternoon, a small band of Mighty Oaks Warriors assembled in the Big Sky Country of Montana to facilitate our first-ever Legacy Program at the Freedom Ranch for Heroes. The picturesque ranch is nestled between foothills and mountains along the Big Hole River in the tiny town of Wise River. It was green for as far as the eye could see. That is, up until the point where the horizon meets the crisp and brilliant blue sky.
By Monday, all seven of the weary participants had arrived and settled in for a week of work. As is always happens, a theme quickly emerged, unique to this particular group of men. The bad news is, these men were tired, broken, looking for purpose, and desperate for hope. The good news: they came to the right place – and I don’t mean the Freedom Ranch or even Mighty Oaks Legacy Program; they came to the foot of the cross of their Savior.
You see, what they took away from their week at Legacy was when we are aligned with our Creator, living according to our design, and putting Him first in everything then the problems and cares of this world don’t magically go away, but we are able to navigate them with purpose, hope, and victory.
I don’t know how the events of 2020 have impacted you, but these are certainly challenging times for most. As if life, for so many of us, wasn’t challenging enough before the panic of COVID-19 and political unrest. When you add these to the mix, it can be a recipe for disaster. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, we have a Savior who is sovereign and not at all taken by surprise.
When the world around us is falling apart and the government locks everything down and people are rioting in the streets and the trauma we have suffered in our lives relentlessly beat us down and there seems to be no hope and no greater purpose, what should we do?
Trust in the Lord,
Okay, I trust you Lord, but what can I do here in the world around me?
And do good;
When you aren’t sure what to do, do good. Be good. Love God and love those around you – in word and deed. And while you’re at it,
Dwell in the land,
Right there where you live: in your home, in your neighborhood, community, city, state, wherever you are, wherever you dwell, do what is good, trustworthy, and noble. And…
feed on His faithfulness.
His mercy is endless. His love is boundless. His justice is perfect and holy. He is always faithful. Feed on it. Fill yourself up to the point that it flows from you and gets all over everyone you come in contact with. Show this world Who your sustenance is. Dwell in this land as a member of His family. Do good because it is the right thing to do. And, Trust in the Lord. Always.
This is what the men from last week’s Legacy Program returned home with. This is what they are fighting their future battles with. Thank you for your prayers.
Our programs are available at NO COST to our honored service men & women, held at beautiful locations across the US.