
By John Mizerak – 
We closed the year with a strong Legacy Program at SkyRose Ranch in CA!
Our six-day Legacy Program serves as the catalyst to help Warriors discover the answers to the big questions in life. Challenges related to the struggles of daily military life, combat deployments and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS) surface during these six days, and the Legacy Program for Men teaches how to get through these challenges, which might have been limiting their personal success. Legacy’s confidential, open environment and the camaraderie participants experience in recreation trigger growth and recovery within the men. By discovering the truth about discipline, brotherhood, legacy, courage, honor, faith and family, men develop authentic character and learn to live a life of leadership. We equip our Warriors to get through life’s challenges and discover the very purpose for their lives moving forward.
This year we provided 578 Warriors the opportunity to attend one of our 28 Legacy Programs, which raises our total program alumni to 1,700 in the last seven years.  If these metrics aren’t exciting enough, the most staggering statistic is that we’ve had ZERO of our alumni commit suicide – despite the veteran suicide rate of over 20 per day.  Additionally, we served 26,582 Warriors through our Military Spiritual Resiliency Programming at US Military Installations nationwide where we spoke, taught classes and distributed 36,500 books!  All this at NO COST to the Warriors we serve, because of YOUR support!
We fully intend for 2018 to be equally amazing as God continues to open doors to serve our Warriors.  We have scheduled 30 Legacy Programs to serve at least 672 Warriors and tens of thousands through our Military Spiritual Resiliency Programs.  We look forward to an exciting 2018 with more opportunities to provide hope and healing for the military Warriors and families we support, but we will continue to need a grateful nation to lock arms with us in this fight for our Warriors, that includes you.
The team at Mighty Oaks values your partnership, and we pray you will continue to lock arms with us in 2018.

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