Chad's Boot Camp Presentation

By John Mizerak –
The founder of Mighty Oaks Foundation, Chad Robichaux, has the honor to challenge U.S. Marine Corps Recruits, on the subject of spiritual resiliency, on a quarterly basis at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (commonly referred to as MCRD) San Diego.  MCRD San Diego’s main mission is the initial training of enlisted male recruits living west of the Mississippi River. Over 21,000 recruits are trained each year and Chad has spoken 14 times to an average of 2,000 recruits each time. Recruit training, more commonly known as basic training or boot camp, refers to the initial instruction of new military personnel. Recruit training is a physically and psychologically intensive process, which prepares these individuals for the demands of military life, by employing the three pillars of Marine Corps training; Mind, Body and Spirit.
Though these recruits are well on their way to understanding what it means to be physically and mentally tough, Chad challenges them to have spiritual resiliency. Spiritual resiliency will be the compass that keeps them on the correct path for life, on and off the battlefield!  It’s an amazing blessing for Chad and the Mighty Oaks team to get on the front end of these Warrior’s training, to perform “preventative” measures that will give them the strength they to serve as Marines.

Chad starts off these presentations by challenging them with these words; When we participate in, witness or even train for war… it is not a natural thing.  I don’t care how tough you think you are, war will change you 100%!  You will not leave the Marine Corps the same way as when you came. Now will it change you for better or for worse? That is up to you!  You can however, choose now to prepare yourself NOT to be a statistic, like the 20 veterans a day committing suicide and having crazy divorce rates, or living a life filled with anger and bitterness… You can choose to be SPIRITUAL RESILIENT… and live a TRUE WARRIOR’s life!  Being a true Warrior is being prepared physical, mentally and SPIRITUALLY – MIND, BODY, SPIRIT.  You have to understand, Recruits… God has a plan for your life and He created you for a purpose, and created you to overcome life’s trials and challenges.”

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

To be the very best Marine and a truly Resilient Warrior, these recruits must be strong in mind, body and spirit! This prepares them for the challenging situations that they will face as Marines.  With the foundation of Spiritual Resiliency, they will have what it takes to move forward because of their faith in the promises of God for their lives.
Thanks again for supporting Mighty Oaks as we continue to do whatever it takes to get ahead of the veteran suicide rate by equipping our Warriors for the battles ahead.  Please continue to pray for Mighty Oaks Foundation’s ministry to the Warriors that have already witnessed the trials of war, and pray for these young souls that have yet to experience these challenges.  Chad has already addressed over to 25,000 recruits and will address at least 4,000 more this year. Each recruit receives a free copy of Chad and Jeremy’s book on spiritual resiliency, The Path to Resiliency – courtesy of Mighty Oaks and you, a grateful nation.

Please donate today.


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