Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
By Jeremy Stalnecker Along with the rest of the world, I have spent more than a month observing global events unfold in ways that are at the same time overwhelming, ...
By Bob Dees “It was a cold Sunday morning with over a foot of newly fallen snow. We were in a classroom setting for a short burst of instruction before ...
By Jeremy Stalnecker One undeniable fact about life is that there will be storms. Dark, dangerous and often unexpected, the focus in these times quickly becomes survival. We begin to ...
By Kathy Robichaux I am asking myself if I should be fearful of the COVID-19 situation because, as of right now, I am not. It is not the fake news ...
By Bob Dees Tribulation comes in all forms. I often say the bookends of tribulation resemble a hurricane or a tornado. At present in America, we have both. The Corona ...
By Jeremy Stalnecker ( How do you deal with Fear and Panic? If you are not quite sure, now is a good time to figure it out. While the world ...
By Luis Rivera In the ancient Near East, a city without gates and walls was slim pickings for anyone who would seek to sack it. ...
By Shannon Morell, MOWP Group Leader The Mighty Oaks’ Women’s Legacy Program (MOWP) kicked off the first session of 2020 last week in San Miguel, California. A mixture of women ...
By Jeremy Stalnecker We all know what it is like to fail! In fact, I feel like my entire life has been cycle after cycle of trying to succeed but ...
By Kevin Schroeder One of the most popular and beautiful places in the state of Texas is the Texas Hill Country. The Texas Hill Country is a geographic region of ...
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