Mighty Oaks


Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.

Written By, Robin Werling The Montana water was cold, very cold. The young man gasped as he sat down into the icy stream as the water curled around his waist. ...

By Jamie Warner It’s safe to say, there was a national tension the week of January 18th so real, so in everyone’s face, that it was tangible. Media outlets were ...

By Jeremy Stalnecker What is freedom, to you? I think most of us would define freedom or “being free” as having the ability to do what we want to do. ...

By Jeremy Stalnecker Several events this week reminded me of something that I have always known to be true. It’s funny how we can learn something and then forget we ...

By Mike Sanders Even though the conversation was 14 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. I guess the intensity of the moment, and the love and respect ...

By Bob Dees     COURAGE is not the absence of fear, rather the ability to move through fear to do what is right and brave. These men in foxholes ...

By Jeremy Stalnecker   How do you press forward when your world seems to be falling apart? Have you asked yourself that question recently? If not, you probably need to! ...

By Ann Dodd Recently, the Mighty Oaks’ Women’s Legacy Program held its September session in California. This was the first in-person Women’s session since February. Our 11 staff members were ...

By Jeremy Stalnecker How often have you found yourself in a fight that you did not expect? Maybe it was more of an argument than a fight or, maybe, it ...

The 4th Annual VeteRUN will be a virtual 5K this year as a result of restrictions placed on crowd size because of COVID-19. Every year at least one charity supported ...