Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Today is the day referred to as “Good Friday” -a day that we celebrate the death of Christ on the cross. This celebration is not only ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker What is your standard? This is an important question that impacts, even when we are not conscious of it, every area of life. Take a minute ...
By Kenneth Wolff We have all heard the saying, “Time Heals all Wounds,” but does it? As I think about this saying, I cannot help but think about my wounds ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Unless you are living under a rock and, because of that rock, you do not have access to the internet, you are aware that we are ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Earlier this week I used quite a few words to discuss the issue of “Fairness” in our culture. You can take a look at that here. ...
By Jeremy Stalnecker “Life is not fair!” Have you ever said that? If you are like everyone else in the world, the words may not have crossed your lips but ...
Written By Jeremy Stalnecker As difficult as life can be, it is not difficulty, or the trials, or even those moments when we feel so overwhelmed that we can’t ...
By Mike Sanders, President and Founder of Junto Tribe As I sit down to write this, Junto Tribe is coming off an off-site vision retreat where we discussed new and ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker In my last post I did my best to answer the question: “What is a Hero?” (you can read that here). This often overused word ...
Written By, Jeremy Stalnecker It seems that our culture (meaning American culture) is obsessed with Heroes. From books and movies to the never-ending stream of hero-themed shows and amusement park ...
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