Mighty Oaks


Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.

Children embrace creativity. LEGO® reports on its website that the world’s children spend 5 billion hours a year building with the company’s blocks. The LEGO website reports that its mission ...

Military life has a way of forging bonds well beyond the ordinary casual relationships we all experience in life. Service members in the normal course of duty shed blood, sweat, ...

I personally don’t know any man who doesn’t want to be blessed in his marriage, family, work, destiny. We strive to live a blessed life – we strive at work ...

            Many of us have had experiences that we would like to forget and some that keep us up at night. Maybe they were things done to us while ...

A load zoned bridge located approximately 13 miles outside of Junction, Texas serves as a portal, if you will, from a lonely stretch of road in the beautiful Texas Hill ...

Good Friday and Easter Sunday is a time to reflect on the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many mistake this as a time of mourning the Son of ...

When the chips are down, we find ourselves standing at the mouth of a seemingly endless tunnel with the darkness crowding in upon us and the light at the other ...

Our Executive Director, Jeremy Stalnecker, has been creating content for his own YouTube channel over the past month or so. If you’re into leadership in any fashion, whether that be in your home, at work, or ...

In a world that is broken and confused, how can men find their identity and value? From the beginning of creation, the enemy has worked to deceive God’s people. He ...

God is on the move in the U.S. Military! Last year over 400 active duty military service members attended free Soul Survivor Outdoor (SSO)  adventure events, another 4,500 attended spiritual ...