Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
By, Jamie Warner Although it had been a year and a half since we last held a Legacy Program at SkyRose Ranch in San Miguel, California, the sights, sounds, and ...
This article is written by Doug Bender, to read the full blog go to I am Second’s website here:
...By, Jamie Warner Snow dappled mountains and rushing rivers coursing through vast plains greeted the twelve Warriors that made the trek to Wise River, Montana, for the latest Men’s Legacy ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Have you ever felt like you are doing all that you can to make a difference in the world and yet no one cares? You do ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker If you live in a community with active duty military families but have never been a part of the military yourself it can be difficult to ...
Written by Jeremy Stalnecker Author and former Presidential speechwriter James Humes once said that, “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” It took me a few minutes the ...
Written by Amanda Hamilton We’ve all been there…. Driving down the road on an otherwise uneventful errand, we notice that something just isn’t ‘right’. Our car is not handling properly. ...
By Jeff Stovall, Junto Tribe Pastor Have you ever been to summer camp? I’ve attended as both a youth and a leader, but one of my greatest privileges as a ...
Written by Keith Pace, Vice President of Junto Tribe A few years back my family and I visited a butterfly garden, and this helped me understand a powerful truth found ...
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