Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
This article is written by Doug Bender, to read the full blog go to I am Second’s website here:
...Written By Dan Andros Managing Editor at FaithWire September 29, 2020 Despite starting the year off on the right track, military officials are reporting that during the coronavirus pandemic suicides ...
Written By Jeremy Stalnecker As difficult as life can be, it is not difficulty, or the trials, or even those moments when we feel so overwhelmed that we can’t ...
Written By Jeremy Stalnecker Post Traumatic Stress Disorder carries with it some very real consequences. Any discussion of PTSd and combat trauma that tries to make coping nothing more than ...
By Jamie Warner It’s safe to say, there was a national tension the week of January 18th so real, so in everyone’s face, that it was tangible. Media outlets were ...
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