Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
Twenty ladies took a leap of faith and attended our second Women’s Legacy Program of 2024 this past week. They traveled to the beautiful SkyRose Ranch located in San Miguel, ...
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Broken from trauma, restless from choices, and feeling “sub-par” due to ...
By Glenn Rosenbaum As the first major arctic winter weather storm wreaked havoc over the majority of North America, veterans and first responders from all over the country endured the ...
By Ian Hunter, During our week-long mission trip with Mighty Oaks International in Peru, we were approached by local law enforcement and military leaders to assist them with Resiliency and ...
By, Jeremy Stalnecker Maybe it’s COVID, maybe it’s the result of the last Presidential election, maybe it’s a generally apathetic attitude towards the Bible and Christianity, maybe it’s an increase ...
By Jeff Stovall, Junto Tribe Pastor Have you ever been to summer camp? I’ve attended as both a youth and a leader, but one of my greatest privileges as a ...
Written by Keith Pace, Vice President of Junto Tribe A few years back my family and I visited a butterfly garden, and this helped me understand a powerful truth found ...
Written by Lt Col Rick Wolf, Founder, and President of Soul Survivor Outdoor Ministry. Ministry to active-duty military… Perhaps the most relevant area of ministry in our time. It’s a ...
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478 McCaleb Rd, Montgomery, TX 77316