Practical guidance on building resilience, mental health tips, and updates on Mighty Oaks. Discover inspiring stories, helpful resources, and ways to stay connected.
Veterans nationwide gathered in Bull Run, VA, in March of 2025 to attend a Mighty Oaks Legacy Program. At the end of the winter season, I think we can all ...
In life, we all leave a legacy—whether we realize it or not. It’s not just about fame or accolades, but about the impact we make on those around us. In ...
September is National Suicide Awareness Month, a time to bring attention to the struggles many face and to offer support rooted in truth. In times of deep despair, it’s not ...
As the caretaker and spouse of a medically-retired Marine, I realize firsthand the challenges and blessings that are comprised within each distinctive vocation. When my husband Jedidiah was deployed on ...
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Broken from trauma, restless from choices, and feeling “sub-par” due to ...
By, Travis Gitthens “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ...
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478 McCaleb Rd, Montgomery, TX 77316