Mighty Oaks Blog
The End is Just the Beginning
Here we are, midway through December and in the final days of 2021. The year began amidst unrest, controversy, division, and discontentment, causing many to wonder if it marked the beginning of The End. So, while many voices in the country were complaining about the sky falling and the nation dividing, those who believe in God, those who follow Jesus Christ, those who rest on the promises of God’s Holy Word, those were the people who continued to press forward into the fight.
Veteran Suicide Prevention Awareness
With numerous administrations’ efforts to defeat the staggering 31.6 Veterans-A-Day who commit suicide, that number remains unaffected. Previous efforts had concentrated on a multitude of things, while the new plan places a focus on firearm safety and broadening mental health options. Mighty Oaks knows that the true path to veteran suicide prevention lies in resiliency, the power of testimony, and brotherhood.
Courage Under Fire
Hero. A label that is thrown around current American culture with so much reckless abandon that we threaten diluting the term to the point of obsolescence. After all, what makes one a hero? Well, according to dictionary.com, a hero is a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.
The Process of Pruning
In mid-October, men from all over the country drove up the hilltop into the oasis we have come to know as SkyRose Ranch in California. The men were all looking for something they had lost. They looked to find what had eluded them; some form of hope or even joy which they had not felt in a long time, if ever.
Two Years Ago I Was Blessed…
Two years ago I was blessed to attend @mightyoaksfndn. For years I ran away from struggles with PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) and trauma. I shoved them deep down and refused to acknowledge the demons that kept me awake at night. My walk in faith was at best lukewarm. I refused to truly give my heart to Christ.
Train Today for the Fight Tomorrow
By, Jeremy Stalnecker Maybe it’s COVID, maybe it’s the result of the last Presidential election, maybe it’s a generally apathetic attitude towards the Bible and Christianity, maybe it’s an increase in spiritual warfare, or maybe just the fact that I am becoming a...
Reminiscent to a bus load of new recruits arriving at a reception station for basic military training, on Monday evening, on the 27th of October 2021, 19 men arrived and filed into the main lodge at Skyrose ranch. As they entered through the door enroute to their seats, one could almost immediately sense by the way they walked these men needed help.
Whole Armor of God
The men that passed through the gates of the First Responders Legacy Program at the Sky Rose Ranch arrived with heavy hearts. They were quiet, broken and scarred from many battles with foes internally and externally.
“Lies, Lies, Lies Get Out!”
Just about every man and woman that has attended a Mighty Oaks Legacy Program has received a “love letter” like the one above from the enemy of our souls. And last week’s Warriors at SkyRose Ranch in California are no different.
Women’s Legacy Recap
This past month, the Women’s Legacy Program was able to be held at SkyRose Ranch in San Miguel, CA, for the first time in over a year due to COVID shut-downs. And what a great week it was!
They Will Soar on Wings Like Eagles
By, Jamie Warner Although it had been a year and a half since we last held a Legacy Program at SkyRose Ranch in San Miguel, California, the sights, sounds, and smells were as familiar as if it had only been a few weeks: rolling hills studded with majestic oaks and...
What to Know if You or Someone You Love is Battling PTSD
This article is written by Doug Bender, to read the full blog go to I am Second's website here: https://blog.iamsecond.com/what-to-know-if-you-or-someone-you-love-is-battling-ptsd