Another Useful Resource

Blog on Jeremy YT

Our Executive Director, Jeremy Stalnecker, has been creating content for his own YouTube channel over the past month or so. If you’re into leadership in any fashion, whether that be in your home, at work, or even just leading yourself, he’s probably made a video for you.

We firmly believe in the power of resiliency and being prepared for all situations we may face. Jeremy’s channel is a great resource to utilize to prepare yourself both mentally and spiritually to successfully live the life God intended for you.

Mentorship and coaching is a vital part of what we do here at Mighty Oaks for the warriors that come through our Legacy programs. We’re blessed to be able to provide mentorship for these men and women through our incredible volunteers and employees of Mighty Oaks. Ultimately, our goal is to provide mentorship to the masses, so that is exactly what Jeremy is doing through his new channel.

We hope this channel, and the work Jeremy is putting into it, blesses you in some way. It is our prayer that one of these videos is able to help you through a struggle you may currently be facing and equips you with the necessary tools to effectively address future difficulties you may encounter.

This is in addition to all of the other work that Jeremy is doing here at Mighty Oaks, the Mighty Oaks Show and our Questions & Answers series. We encourage you to check out and subscribe to Jeremy’s YouTube channel!

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