A Philosophy of Leadership

By Jeremy Stalnecker
While I am confident that leadership is something that’s been discussed since the time of Adam and Eve (I am sure this came up after the whole serpent and fruit incident), in Leadership by Design, I hope to provide a different perspective on this very important topic.  This is not a book that will outline specific leadership techniques or provide lists dealing with how to lead in the home, church, or workplace. My goal is to provide a philosophy of leadership and leadership development around which specific techniques can be built.  We all have different goals when it comes to either developing our own leadership or developing those around us.  What does not change, however, is the philosophy or foundation upon which that development should take place.  My goal is to provide a fresh look at the fundamental principles that need to be present in the life of every leader.

Leadership by Design was written to challenge definitions of leadership that are tied to a job description or personality type but miss the philosophy that moves the leader forward when those things change. We don’t do leadership; we are leaders!  We were created to make a difference in the lives of those around us regardless of occupation or temperament by living to take them from where they are to where they need to be.
If you are not leading according to your unique talents, abilities, and opportunities, you are not living the life that you were designed to live. It’s time to get up and begin moving forward.
It is time to understand Leadership by Design!

Click here to purchase your own copy of Leadership by Design!

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